Education Debt Webinar


Join the Day Care Council of New York for this training for those who are burdened by education debt, held online. To participate in this free training, contact DCCNY's Sofia Lopez at


Allergy Awareness Training & Elijah’s Law


Join the Day Care Council of New York for this training for child care providers. To participate in this free training, contact DCCNY's Sofia Lopez at


The Medication Administration Training (MAT)

DCCNY Office 1430 Broadway #404, New York City, NY

Join the Day Care Council of New York for this training for child care providers, held in-person at the DCCNY offices. To participate in this free training, contact DCCNY's Sofia Lopez at


Becoming a Child Care Provider


Join the Day Care Council of New York for this training for aspiring child care providers, held online. To participate in this free training, contact DCCNY's Sofia Lopez at


Education Debt Webinar


Join the Day Care Council of New York for this training for those who are burdened by education debt, held online. To participate in this free training, contact DCCNY's Sofia Lopez at


Kindergarten Family Resource Day – Día de Recursos para Familias

Manny Cantor Center Manny Cantor Center, 197 East Broadway, New York, New York

For parents of children entering Kindergarten, join us to prepare for this exciting transition! We'll have... Crafts and activities for children Free literacy and readiness kits Coaches and speakers ready to answer all of your questions about Kindergarten Much, much more! ¡Para padres de niños […]


[ESPAÑOL] Manejando comportamientos desafiantes de nuestros niños

CHCF Brooklyn Office 384 South 4th, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Join us for this Spanish-language training for child care providers at the CHCF Brooklyn Offices. To register for this free training, please or contact Gabriela Bressan at Register here/Registrar aquí Para preguntas puede comunicarse con el equipo administrativo al 212-206-1090 EXT: 320 For questions […]


[ESPAÑOL] Comprender cómo el cerebro influye en el comportamiento de los niños

CHCF Main Office 75 Broad Street, 6th Floor, New York City, NY

Join us for this Manhattan-language training for child care providers at the CHCF Brooklyn Offices. To register for this free training, please or contact Gabriela Bressan at Register here/Registrar aquí Para preguntas puede comunicarse con el equipo administrativo al 212-206-1090 EXT: 320 For questions […]


FCC Business Financial Management & Risk Management

Manny Cantor Center Manny Cantor Center, 197 East Broadway, New York, New York

Join the NYC Child Care Resource and Referral Consortium for a FREE training for child care providers. This training will focus on FCC Business Financial Management & Risk Management. Únete al Consorcio de Recursos y Referencias de Cuidado Infantil de la Ciudad de Nueva York […]
